ISO 45001:2018 Foundation (OH&SMS) – CQI and IRCA Certified

This course is delivered in association with CQI and IRCA Approved Training Partner Antaris. The aim of this course is to provide a basis for students who wish to complete CQI IRCA-certified OH&SMS auditor training courses. ISO 45001 has replaced OHSAS 18001 and will afford organizations an opportunity to align their strategic direction with their health and safety management system thereby improving their occupational health and safety performance. Irrespective of whether a company is a manufacturing or service industry, it has a statutory obligation to operate in a manner that safeguards the health and safety of its workforce. Implementation of a recognised occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system such as ISO 45001 is one way to meet that obligation. The structure of ISO 45001 is based on Annex SL format and terminology. Annex SL was developed to ensure that all ISO management system standards share a common format irrespective of the specific discipline to which they relate. ISO 45001 has introduced a number of enhanced requirements as follows:
  • Understanding the organizational context
  • Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
  • Leadership and commitment
  • Participation and consultation
  • Documented information
  • Eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks
  • Management of change
  • Procurement
  • Contractors
  • Outsourcing
The aim of this course is to provide delegates with an understanding of the management systems approach and the requirements of ISO 45001. This course will provide delegates with an understanding of the importance of ISO 45001 as a tool for improving the health and safety performance of companies with reference to its employees, contractors and visitors.  This course also provides a basis for students who wish to go on to complete the CQI IRCA certified OH&SMS Auditor training courses.

Delivery Mode

  • Public

    18 Nov 2024
    30 Jan 2025
    24 Mar 2025
  • Virtual

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  • Customised

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Course Code

What's covered?

  • How to define “health and safety”, hazards, risks and risk management as well as other terms and definitions used in ISO 45001.
  • Explain the purpose, intent and benefits of ISO 45001.
  • Evolution of occupational health and safety management systems.
  • The structure and content of ISO 45001 and the plan-do-check-act cycle.
  • The specific occupational health and safety management-related requirements of ISO 45001.
    • Context of the organization.
    • Leadership and commitment.
    • Occupational health and safety objectives.
    • Hazard Identification and assessment of risks.
    • Resources and support.
    • Outsourced processes, products and services.
    • Operational planning and controls.
    • Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation solutions.
    • Incidents and emergency situations.
  • The occupational health and safety management system certification process.
  • Continuous improvement.

If you have access to a copy of ISO 45001, please bring a copy of the standard with you.  If you don’t have access, a copy will be provided for you and will be collected at the end of the course.

Who should participate?

  • Health and Safety Officers and Managers
  • Technical Managers
  • Environmental Manager
  • Quality Managers
  • Safety Representatives

For applicants whose first language is not English, SQT recommends a minimum English language competency of IELTS 5.5 (or equivalent) for successful completion of this programme. It is important to note that learners are not expected to have an IELTS or equivalent examination complete. Potential delegates are expected to self-assess their English language competency against the IELTS Band scores which can be found in this document.

What will I learn?

Participants achieve the following learning outcomes from the programme;

  • Explain the purpose of an Occupational Health & Safety Management system and health and safety management system standards.
  • Explain the business benefits of improved performance of the occupational health and safety management system.
  • Outline the structure and content of ISO 45001.
  • Explain the specific occupational health & safety management-related requirements of ISO 45001.

Who are the tutors?

Elizabeth Walker

Elizabeth has extensive industry experience planning, establishing, implementing and maintaining management systems. These systems include Quality, Food Safety, Energy, Environmental and Health and Safety. Elizabeth holds a BSc Degree in Industrial Biology, Diploma in Food Technology and is a competent Integrated Management System Auditor.

Elizabeth has considerable experience in the implementation of & transition to ISO 9001:2015. Auditing experience includes carrying out internal audits and supporting third party audits (Customer/Regulatory & Certification) of clients Quality Management System. Elizabeth also delivers training programmes in ISO 9001:2015 implementation and internal auditing and lead auditor training programmes.

Finbarr Stapleton

Finbarr Stapleton, Antaris, has a B.Sc. in Industrial Chemistry and a Diploma in Occupational Health & Safety and is a member of IOSH. He has over thirty years experience, initially as Laboratory Manager in an Analytical Laboratory, a number of years experience as an EHS Manager in the Food Industry and subsequently in technical consultancy.

He has successfully implemented OHSAS 18001/45001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 in a large number of industries. He has extensive experience of quality management and environmental and health and safety management systems, energy management, waste management as well as environmental and health and safety legislation. He is a qualified Auditor of ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001/ISO 45001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 management systems. Finbarr has also extensive experience of energy management systems such as ISO 50001. He has carried out a number of projects on behalf of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).
He regularly carries out audits and risk assessments for client companies. He has also qualified as a dangerous goods safety adviser.

Finbarr has assisted a number of companies in making successful applications to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) for an IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention & Control) licence and has also carried out Environmental Impact Assessments for a number of companies.

Finbarr also holds an NUI Certificate in Training and Continuing Education. He is the lead tutor for the Nebosh International Certificate and Diploma courses.

Gerry Higgins

With extensive experience of implementing quality, environmental, health and safety, asset, energy and information security management systems and advising companies on how to integrate them, Gerry adopts a very practical approach to designing, implementing and maintaining management systems and brings this expertise to any training course, which he delivers.

Gerry has carried out first-, second- and third-party audits in a number of jurisdictions and across a range of organisations involved in manufacturing and service industries in both the public and private sector. He has also assisted many companies to demonstrate compliance with their statutory and regulatory requirements.

He has consulted with companies on developing appropriate sustainability, decarbonisation and energy transition strategies and on enhancing their circular value chains.

He has a degree in engineering and an MBA from the University of Limerick and is a chartered engineer and Fellow of Engineers Ireland. He is also a Fellow and chartered environmentalist through IEMA and holds a Certificate in Circular Economy & Sustainable Strategies from the University of Cambridge

Gerry is CEO of Antaris, which he founded in 1994. Antaris is at the forefront of climate action in Ireland and is a signatory to the science-based target initiative (SBTi), which commits us to reducing our absolute scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions by 50% by 2030 from a 2019 base year, and to measure and reduce our scope 3 emissions. Antaris is also a member of 1% for the Planet, committing us to donating 1% of our annual gross revenue (sales, not profit) to grassroots environmental organisations dedicated to protecting our planet.

Nick Smyth

Nick Smyth graduated from the University of Limerick in 1981 with a BSc in Manufacturing Technology having taken the Materials Engineering specialisation. He has worked as a Technical, Q.A./Materials Engineering and E.H.S. professional for 24 years, which included management roles in Intel Ireland, Johnson and Johnson, DeBeers Industrial Diamond, SPS International, Abbott Ireland and Fulflex International. He holds qualifications in Quality Assurance/Management, Lead Auditing, Safety Health and Welfare at Work, Occupational Hygiene and Environmental Management.

Nick also holds an NUI Certificate in Training and Continuing Education, and a CAE certificate in Accessible Environments and the Disability Discrimination Act.
He joined Antaris in June of 2005 and provides consultancy and SQT training services in his areas of experience and expertise.

Peter Fleming

Peter Fleming is an accomplished EHSQ professional with credible technical insight coupled with best-in-class interpersonal and communication skills. In the last 14 years, he has specialized in the areas of HAZOP, risk assessment, process safety, fire safety and industrial loss prevention. Peter Has worked with over 300 organizations in Europe, China, Middle East, America, Central America primarily focusing on HAZOP studies and Risk Assessment.

Currently, he has been coordinating a number of HAZOP and SIL studies in Jubail and Saudi Arabia. He has also worked as a safety expert responsible for assessing the safety of Ma’aden operations and processes and preparing a safety risk register for Ma’aden Phosphate Company. His work encompassed beneficiation, ammonia, 3 sulfuric acid, 3 phosphoric acid and 4 diammonium phosphate plants. He has also completed a number of HAZOP studies in Saudi Arabia and Qatar for a number of clients.

How will I be assessed?

A variety of exercises will be carried out throughout the course. Delegates are assessed throughout the course by continuous assessment. Continuous assessment is based upon the student’s participation and performance during the exercises and question & answer sessions. It is essential that delegates take an active part in all course activities during the course in order for the tutor to make a full assessment of the student’s performance. Please note it is essential for delegates to be in attendance for the full course.

How do we train and support you?

In-House Courses
For In-House courses, the tutor will contact you in advance to discuss the course programme in more detail in order to tailor it specifically for your organisation.

Course Manual
Delegates will receive a very comprehensive course manual.

Programme accreditation

This course is certified by CQI IRCA, course certificate number 1989. The International Register of Certificated Auditors (CQI IRCA) is the world's original and largest international certification body for auditors of management systems.

Peter Fleming

Duration: 1 day

ISO 45001:2018 Foundation (OH&SMS) – CQI and IRCA Certified

Duration: 1 day
Virtual Training: €395
+ €25 (certification fees)
  • 18 Nov 2024
    Delivery: Virtual Training
    Location: Virtual
    Book Date
  • 30 Jan 2025
    Delivery: Virtual Training
    Location: Virtual
    Book Date
  • 24 Mar 2025
    Delivery: Virtual Training
    Location: Virtual
    Book Date

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