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Lean Six Sigma, Process & Project Management
Lean Six Sigma
Join our Lean Six Sigma Network
Continual Process Improvement – Statistical Applications with Minitab
Project & Programme Management
Compliance, Standards & Auditing
Environment & Energy Management
Health & Safety
Integrated Management Systems
Information Security
Leadership & Personal Development
Leadership & Personal Development
Train the Trainer
Life Sciences – Medical Devices & Pharma
Quality Systems and Regulations
Risk Management
Testing and Calibration
Technical Writing
Internal Auditing
Hospital & Medical
Food Safety
Food Safety Standards
Food Safety Auditing
HACCP & Food Safety Management Systems
Food Safety Training
Food Defence & Authenticity
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21 CFR Part 11 Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures
5S For the Food Industry
5S Workplace Organisation
Acceptance Sampling (including AQL selection)
Advanced Design of Experiments
Advanced HACCP Design and Validation based on Risk Assessment – QQI Level 6
Applying Agile & Scrum Practices in your Organisation
Basic Microbiology for the Food Industry
Behavioural Based Safety
Biological Agents
BRCGS Food Safety Standard Issue 9
BRCGS Packaging Materials Issue 6
BRCGS Storage and Distribution Issue 4
CAPA for the Medical Device Industry
CAPA for the Pharmaceutical Industry
Certified Energy Auditor
Certified Energy Manager
Certified Measurement & Verification Professional (CMVP)
Chemical Risk Assessment
Cleanroom Microbiology
Coaching Skills for People Managers
Communication Essentials in the Workplace
CompEx Ex14 Responsible Persons
CompEx Foundation (ExF) Explosive Atmospheres
Confined Space Entry
Construction Safety Management / 2013 Safety Regulations
Contract / Vendor Project Management
Controlling Contamination within the Cleanroom
Customer Care & Contact Skills
Dealing with Challenging Situations and People
Design of Experiments with Minitab
Design of Experiments with Minitab Refresher
Documenting Management Systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001)
Effective Cleaning of a Cleanroom
Effective Meeting Skills
Effective Time Management
Emotional Intelligence & its Role in Managing Effectively
Energy Management Systems (EnMS) Auditor/Lead Auditor
Environmental Legislation
Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty for Testing Laboratories in the Food Sector
Failure Mode & Effect Analysis
Food Allergen Control
Food Hygiene & Safety
Food Safety Culture
Food Safety Modernisation Act (FSMA) FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food (PCQI Qualification Course)
Food Standards Auditing
– QQI Level 6
Fundamentals of Food Standards Auditing
Fundamentals of Sterilisation Validation for Single Use Medical Devices
GMP for Manufacturers of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
GMP for Manufacturers of Finished Pharmaceuticals
Good Laboratory Practice (ISO 17025:2017 QMS Requirements)
HACCP Implementation and Verification – QQI Level 5
HACCP Introduction
HACCP Refresher
Hazardous Chemical & Spillage Control
Health & Safety for Safety Representatives
Health & Safety Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment
Health & Safety Legislation
Health & Safety Management in the Office
How to Stay Resilient in the Workplace
IATF 16949:2016 Internal Auditor
IEMA Environmental Sustainability Skills for Managers
IEMA Environmental Sustainability Skills for the Workforce
IEMA Foundation Certificate in Environmental Management
IEMA Introduction to Net Zero
IEMA ISO 50001:2018 Internal Energy Management System Auditor
IEMA Lead Environmental Auditor (ISO 14001:2015)
IEMA Leading with Environmental Sustainability
IEMA Pathways to Net Zero
Instructor Skills for the Food Industry
Internal Auditing – Integrated Management Systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001)
Internal Quality Auditing for Manufacturers of Active Pharmaceuticals Ingredients
Internal Quality Auditing for Manufacturers of Finished Pharmaceuticals
Internal Quality Auditing for Manufacturers of Medical Devices
Interpretation and Understanding of Calibration Certificates
Interpretation and Understanding of Test Results from Testing Laboratories
Interviewing and Selection Skills
Introduction to Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty in Testing Laboratories
Introduction to Food Safety Legislation
Introduction to Lean Six Sigma
ISO 13485:2016
ISO 13485:2016 & The Medical Devices Regulation (CE Marking Process)
ISO 14001:2015 Implementation (EMS)
ISO 14001:2015 Internal Auditor (EMS) – CQI and IRCA Certified
ISO 14001:2015 Overview (EMS)
ISO 14001:2015 Overview for Managers (EMS)
ISO 15189 Internal Quality Auditing of Medical Laboratory Quality Management Systems
ISO 17025 Internal Quality Auditing for Laboratories
ISO 27001:2022 Internal Auditor (ISMS) – CQI and IRCA Certified
ISO 45001:2018 Foundation (OH&SMS) – CQI and IRCA Certified
ISO 45001:2018 Implementation (OH&SMS)
ISO 45001:2018 Internal Auditor (OH&SMS) – CQI and IRCA Certified
ISO 45001:2018 Lead Auditor (OH&SMS) – CQI and IRCA Certified
ISO 45001:2018 Overview for Managers (OH&SMS)
ISO 50001:2018 Implementation (Energy Management System)
ISO 50001:2018 Introduction (Energy Management Systems)
ISO 9001 to ISO 22000 Conversion (FSSC)
ISO 9001:2015 Foundation (QMS) (eLearning) – CQI and IRCA Certified
ISO 9001:2015 Foundation (QMS) – CQI and IRCA Certified
ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditor (QMS) – CQI and IRCA Certified
ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor (QMS) – CQI and IRCA Certified
ISO 9001:2015 Overview for Managers (QMS)
ISO 9001:2015 Refresher Internal Auditor (QMS)
Laboratory Safety
Laboratory Software Validation
Leading and Managing People – QQI Level 6
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
– QQI Level 8
Lean Six Sigma Champion
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt – QQI Level 6
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt – QQI Level 7
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt – 2 Day Refresher Course
Lean Six Sigma Network
Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt – Foundation
Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt – QQI Level 6
Management & Executive Development
Managing Performance Effectively
Managing Successful Projects
Manual Handling
MDSAP Internal Quality Auditor
MDSAP: The Medical Device Single Audit Programme
Measurement Systems Analysis
Medical Device FDA QSR & QSIT
Medical Device Risk Management and ISO 14971:2019
Medical Device Usability
and EN IEC 62366
Minitab Refresher
MS Project – Advanced
MS Project – Intermediate
MS Project – Introduction
Overview of Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013
Pharma and Medical Device Industry – Introduction
Pharmaceutical Quality Risk Management and ICH Q9
Preparing for CAPM®
Preparing for PgMP®
Preparing for PMP®
Preparing for RMP®
Presentation Skills
Process Validation & Equipment Validation
Process Validation for Medical Device Manufacturing – QQI Level 7
Project Risk Management
Quality Management Systems for Medical Laboratories (ISO 15189, Process based approach)
REACH and CLP – the Basics
Regulations and Requirements for Combination Products
Risk Assessment and Communication for the Food Industry (ISO 31000)
Root Cause Analysis (Problem Solving)
Software Validation
Statistical Process Control – CPV
Statistics with Minitab (incl. Capability Analysis)
Statistics with Minitab (incl. Gauge R&R and Sampling)
Statistics with Minitab (Incl. Regression Analysis and Stability)
Storytelling for Business
Supervisory Management Skills
TACCP & VACCP Food Defence Biovigilance Bioterrorism
One Day
TACCP & VACCP, Food Defence, Biovigilance & Bioterrorism
Team Leadership
Technical Writing Skills
Technical Writing Skills for Deviations and Investigations
The Medical Device Regulation (CE Marking Process Key Updates)
Train the Trainer
Train the Trainer – Transition to Virtual Delivery
Train The Trainer for Industry
Training Delivery & Evaluation – QQI Level 6
Training Needs Identification and Design – QQI Level 6
Validation of a Food Safety Management System (FSMS)
Validation of Software as a Medical Device and EN IEC 62304
Value Stream Mapping
VDU Risk Assessment & Ergonomics
Waste Management / Minimisation
Working at Heights
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7. Please record any absenteeism and reasons if known.
Learners will not receive a certificate unless they attend all training days. In exceptional circumstances, if a 'Certificate of Partial Completion' is required, this request must be clearly noted below.
8. Are there any potential for further courses to be delivered or new courses which could be developed?
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9. Are there any changes/corrections required to the course materials, presentation, (handouts, resources etc.)?
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