A common misunderstanding in the food industry is the interpretation of hazard and risk. ISO 22000 states under Clause 3.3, “the term hazard must not be confused with the term Risk”. Article 3 of 178/2002 defines hazard as “a biological, chemical or physical agent in, or condition of food or feed with the potential to cause an adverse health effect.” Risk is defined as “a function of the probability of an adverse health effect and severity of that effect, consequential to a hazard.” The key to managing Risk in any food business operation is to measure it, define controls and then to communicate to relevant personnel. It is the process of Risk Communication that is least often done well. 178/2002 defines Risk Communication as, “the interactive exchange of information and opinion throughout the Risk Analysis process as regards hazards and risks, risk related factors and risk perceptions… including the explanations of Risk Assessment findings and the basis of risk management decisions”. ISO 31000 Risk Management Principles and Guidelines defines the principles, framework and process that a company must engage to create a risk management culture and risk management life-cycle.
Collapse(includes course documentation, lunch and refreshments).
The 2014 Fonterra Clostridia Botulinum contamination incident needs to be a sober lesson to all Dairy manufactures as to the importance of Food Safety. Food Sa...