Since the publication of ISO 22002, (Prerequisite programmes on food safety for Food manufacturing), food defence, biovigilance and bioterrorism have become a topic of debate and concern for many food business operators. PAS 96, (Defending food and drink), is the recognised publicly available standard which advises Food Business Operators (FBOs) how to construct and implement the necessary controls to assure its customers that their products are safe and secure. This standard is now on its third edition PAS 96:2017.
PAS 96 focuses on the threats to the food and drink industry from ideologically motivated groups, economically motivated fraud, criminals or individuals with a grudge who may wish to damage an organisation. PAS 96 provides broad guidelines via its 15 step process to FBOs which should help them assess and reduce the risk to their business and to mitigate the consequences of an attack. The risk is different for different businesses, operations and products. It is therefore implied that different risk assessments will result in different action plans proportionate to an individual situation. The USDA 3 step process will also be reviewed on the course as this is a more straightforward method for a FBO starting off its food defense study.
It is assumed that FBOs are aware of HACCP or similar risk management procedures, crisis management and business continuity management principles and have effective procedures in place. The TACCP (Threat Assessment Critical Control Point) or VACCP (Vulnerability) study should be integrated into the existing Food Safety Management System via the pre-requisite programme thus ensuring product safety and integrity.
The two day programme will take delegates through the 15 step process as per PAS 96 in detail via numerous workshops so that they will leave the course with the structure and content of a Food Defence Plan. Also available as a one day customised In-House programme.
Collapse(includes course documentation)
“Food defence is the effort to protect food from acts of intentional adulteration or tampering” (FDA) FDA has a leading role in a number of food defence...
April 2015 We have spent the last ten years refining our HACCP systems and now retailers are requiring TACCP (Threat Analysis Critical Control Point) and VACCP ...